Checking Blood GlucoseRed Box Video: Learn How to Check Your Blood Glucose*Note: Your devices may differ from the ones that appear in the video Step by Step: Learn How to Check Your Glucose Level 1. Wash your hands with plain soap and warm water Wash the finger that you will get blood from. No need to use alcohol wipes. 2. Remove the outer cap on the lancing device Not all devices are the same. Go to the My Diabetes Kit website for videos (see link above). 3. Insert lancet into the lancing device 4. Slowly twist off the top of the lancet Save top for later—you will need it when you remove the lancet.It’s easy to remove the top if you twist 3 times. 5. Replace the outer cap on lancing device Outer cap will keep lancet from going too deep. 6. Choose the setting on the lancing device Each device is different, try the middle setting first. 7. Pull back lever or end cap on lancing device to load With some devices you may hear a click. 8. Make sure lancing device is loaded by pressing the button. Load again before use. 9. Take a test strip from the bottle To keep test strips dry, close the bottle tightly. 10. Put a test strip in the meter with test spot sticking out Meter will turn on when test strip is put in the same way as the picture. If meter does not turn on or shuts off, take the test strip out and put it in again. 11. Firmly push the tip of the lancing device against the side of your finger Put your finger on a table or your lap to keep steady.You can also practice with the practice skin. (Note: you must use a new lancet if you test the device). 12. Press the button on the lancing device to get blood from your finger You may need to change the lancing device setting if you get too much or not enough blood. 13. Make sure the meter is on. Put blood on the test spot as shown Check result. The blood glucose goal for most people is 80-130 mg/dL before meals and up to 80-180 mg/dL after meals. 14. Remove the outer cap of the lancing device Be careful not to stick yourself. 15. Put the small, round top of the lancet back on to cover lancet Use the top that you twisted off earlier. 16. Remove the lancet from the lancing device Some lancing devices have buttons that eject the lancet. 17. Place the test strip in the trash. Place the lancet in the sharps container 18. Replace the outer cap of the lancing device Learn how to inject your insulin by either pen, syringe, or both! ⬅ Toolkit Prep (back) Insulin Pen Injection ➡ Syringe Injection ➡ Home Welcome! Toolkit Prep Checking Blood Glucose Pen Injection Syringe Injection