What are you looking for help with?

My Diabetes Kit Support Center

Getting Started

  • What does it mean if I have diabetes?

  • How will taking care of my diabetes help me be healthy?

  • What types of insulin are there?

  • [Ask AW] How do I check my blood sugar?

  • [Ask AW] How do I inject insulin?

Better Managing Your Blood Sugar

  • [Ask AW] How do I use the meter in the checking glucose box?

  • How do I keep track of my blood glucose numbers?

  • What does it mean if I have low blood glucose (blood sugar)?

  • How do I treat low blood glucose (hypoglycemia)?

  • What causes low blood glucose (blood sugar)?

  • How will I feel when my blood glucose is low?

  • What does it mean if I have high blood glucose (sugar)?

  • What do I do when my blood glucose is high (hyperglycemia)?

  • What causes high blood glucose (blood sugar)?

  • How will I feel when my blood glucose is high?

  • What should I do when I feel sick?

  • How do I throw away used test strips and lancets after I am done using them?

  • What if I have a problem with my glucose meter or lancing device?

  • What are my blood glucose goals to stay healthy?

Taking Insulin

  • What setting should I use for the lancing device?

  • What types of insulin are there?

  • Where should I inject my insulin?

  • Am I using the right length needle for my insulin pen?

  • Am I using the right length needle for my syringe?

  • How should I store my insulin pens?

  • How should I store my insulin bottles (vials)?

  • What should I do if I take the wrong dose of insulin?

  • What should I do if I take the wrong insulin?

  • What should I do if I take my insulin at the wrong time?

  • What if I have a problem with injecting my insulin?

  • What if I forgot to take my mealtime insulin and started eating?

  • What if I forgot to take my long-acting insulin at my set time?

  • [?] Should I pinch my skin when I inject my insulin?

  • What if I have questions about my insulin or diabetes medicine?

  • How do I throw away pen needles and syringes after I am done using them?

  • What do I do when my sharps container is full?

Meal Planning and Nutrition

  • Where can I find more information about how to eat healthy?

  • What should I eat and drink to take care of my diabetes?

  • Why is it important for me get active?

  • How can I get active?

Lowering Risk

  • Where can I find more information about diabetes?

  • What are some ways I can lower my risk for diabetes problems?

  • What kinds of problems can diabetes cause?

  • What is a diabetes care and education specialist and how can they help me?

  • What if I have questions about how to check my blood glucose or inject insulin?